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The Essentials in Taupe - darahamarneh


Social responsibility and sustainable consciousness for the environment, labour and materials, from idea to execution, stands at the heart of the Dara Hamarneh brand: in a time when the term ‘sustainable’ is often loosely used, Hamarneh explains brand practices all under one umbrella of ‘ethics.’ 

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Designer Dara Hamarneh is focused on creating an environmentally responsible company. ‘I can’t imagine a world where everything is disposable. I am happy to be part of something that reshapes how people think, even subtly.’ (Forbes) Our collections are based on ‘slow fashion’. We produce in limited quantities and take as many pre-orders as possible so that no product goes to waste.

Contenuto comprimibile


  • All raw materials are 100% traceable. 
  • Zero Waste Policy: we make use of all materials and do not waste any fabric in the design process. 
  • The 925: this new model was launched using only surplus material leftover from previous production. 
  • Leather Working Group: the leather used by Dara Hamarneh is only sourced from particular suppliers, the tannery used is gold standard certified by the LWG, which demands the highest standards for water conservation, energy usage, traceability and chemical management, from rawhide to finished leather. 
  • Leather: all leather used by Hamarneh is 90% bio-based and certified by USDA. 
  • Hardware: All chrome free and sourced in Italy.


  • We continuously research styles, shapes and colours, influenced by vintage designer collections (See About section) that will stand the test of time without being trend led. 
  • We utilise 3D rendering techniques where possible to realise colour schemes and new models, where possible, to reduce waste and leftover material. 
  • We continue to evolve with new developments in sustainable practices – to ensure a transparency throughout all levels of the supply chain.


It is of the highest importance to Hamarneh that all factory workers get paid above average, even though this means higher production costs, to ensure we don’t profit at others expense.